Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Villain's Journal

So, i haven't write anything in more than a few weeks.
It always seems to be the case , some stupid comment about it thrown in there (like now).
Stuff happened. Apparently it always does.
Few good things: a new environment, a cheap form of companionship, a little hope, perhaps.
Some bad things as well: growing older, friendships lost, people died, fishes starved; a new found hatred.

Guess the major event (that succeeded in pissing me off more than it should) was the loss of my journal: a colorful book, filled up with thoughts and scribbles, written up to the brim with long gone demonstrations of my artistic self, the book that followed me anywhere.

A far away island, where, despite all the population and a language i could not understand (even though it was my own); where i could see happiness in peoples faces - something i am not used to experience, mind you - after a hard day's work, assembling on a plaza for a cup of coffee and a few cigarettes; where the scenery, reminiscent of centuries past, lay untouched, unchanged, unblemished; where you could gaze ahead and not see a single wire in the sky; where you could go through the wilderness at 140 km per hour and not encounter a single person, feeling the wind run through your fingers, eager for more, flowers blurring your vision everywhere you looked, the amazing scent strong enough to awaken your sense of smell; where the fisherman lay by the water, waiting for a bite and, occasionally, throwing it at to hell, taking off their clothes and jumping fearlessly into the crystal clear water; where there were huge trees, flowers everywhere, cows grazing in the mountain sides and even grazing in the clouds; the sky clear everywhere you looked and the air fresher than anything i have yet experienced till that moment.
Definitely a glorious place.

Where the fights and despair of my everyday life were registered.
The times i just picked my bicycle and just cycled away, leaving everything behind in the cold nights, just to get away.
Where I recorded my unceasing thoughts that could only be stopped with music.
where the memories of my friends and people long gone now showed their inner being, when i still could see peoples inner being.
When everything was right and no purpose beyond life itself was needed.
The fed animals and trembling purple hands, trying to write away whatever I needed, just to get a possibility of ending it, getting it out of my system, forget it all. A wish i regret now all too often, since i can no longer retain what little things i did remember.
Where my decline and experiences were; the final resting place of all my rage and loneliness, beaches, railways, road trips and moments of epiphany.
Sure, it was a fucking notebook: a cheap assembly of processed trees..

"You still have you head, don't you? Everything in your life resides there." Apparently yes. I am no longer able to grasp it beyond the slippery surface. It's too painful.

Yet i am no longer the kid i once was and, to hell with modesty, i was brilliant. I was something. Despite the fact that everything still resides in here i never could recall the events of my life past a few days.
Whatever experiences i had that made it through to me they were never the real thing and it never stuck.
I am now a shell and am still alone.
Whatever proof i could show that i was maybe something more is lost.
With that, possibly one of the most important assets i had.

I am me, only me. And that you can not see. nothing more i want to pretend but the truth is I still want somebody to accept me for who i am. Everyone does i guess. But the proof is gone now.
Is it too late to start again?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Que se lixe.
Que se lixe o que dizem,
o que pensam, o que não dizem,
o que não percebem, o que não querem perceber,
o que não querem ver. 
Que se lixem todas as mentiras e todos os mentirosos, 
que se lixe todas as vezes que se chora numa dor sem sentido
que não vai melhorar em nada com as lágrimas que escorrem.
Que se lixe o que aconteceu ontem e que hoje é impossível e amanha impensável,
que se lixem todas as pessoas que pensamos serem insubstituiveis e acabaram 
por desaparecer da nossa vida e nem demos por isso.
Ou se demos já era tarde demais e já nao havia vontade de as manter.
Que se lixem todos os esforços impensáveis e todos os desgostos insuportaveis que se fizeram e se sofreram para manter ou conseguir algo.
Que se lixem todas as noites em branco com uma pessoa, a espera de uma pessoa ou por causa de uma pessoa. Que se lixe a forma como víamos a vida ontem, no ano passado, há 2 anos ou há 10.
Que se lixe...Tudo muda E se no inicio achamos mau, péssimo, horroroso, daqui a uns anos olhamos para tudo isso como uma bênção.
Cansei-me tanto... Para nada?! 
Se calhar... Pelo menos sei que fiz sempre tudo o que estava ao meu alcance e também muitas vezes fora dele pra conseguir o que queria e o que achava correcto.
Cabe à consciência de cada um esse efeito não é?... Que se Lixe...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Game

I failed.
Yesterday seemed like a life changing day.
I had a purpose, i had hunger, i was tired and i had more drive than in the last 2 years. I was sleepy. Yet i did not go to sleep, i did not eat right, i did not move - I failed. Again. And I am tired of it.

A few hours back my mind was so fed up i decided to play a game on my computer.Played it for 13 minutes. The longest i could hold it up.
I felt anxiety, smothered, inprisoned on the open world. A headache came flying in. I needed oxygen, sanity, common sense. Wathever oxygen existed in these four walls it was simply not enough. As for the other things it has been long since i lost them. I needed them. I crumbled on the hallway in search of something. Opened the windows and could not see the sky. I began to feel despair. The sound of a truck passing by provided me some of much needed relief, something to tell me it was all ok. Life existed. Lives existed. Lives beyond my own.

And yet, do they really exist?
I found a long time ago everything and everyone just seemed dull.
After getting to know people i found out they were dull, normal, family, friends, reality (their reality). they accepted everything as it came, everyone as they came - but not as they were. They badmouth everything and everyone. And i dont really understand why? Is it Hate? Why does it have to exist in them? An outlet? From what? I do not understand Hate. Dislike yes. Not Hate. I did not understand them.
They accepted everything without questioning their existence, others or their own. How can that be so?

i can not finish this.
I'll write it as i can...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

E se...

E se tivéssemos a oportunidade de falar com o nosso "eu" do futuro? O que seria que gostaríamos de ouvir vindo dessa identidade?...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Seremos assim tão fúteis? Um mundo que se baseia na imagem... O que acaba por ser a imagem afinal. "Tu és bonito e usas estas calças por isso eu gosto de ti"..."Tu és horrível as tuas calças não dizem nem salsa nem coentros muito menos hortelã". A sério? Hoje dei por mim a pensar nisso e deixou-me bastante triste a sério que deixou. A liberdade que temos a liberdade que muita gente morreu para a podermos ter, liberdade essa, que está a ser revista em calças roupas coisas que brilham caixas e solas de sapatos feitos na china. Seremos nós assim tão reles, eu gostava de poder ter fé na humanidade e já como dizia Fernando Pessoa que elas alcançassem o 5º Império. Mas ficamos-nos por aqui, arrastando-nos como zombies sem cérebro para os centros comerciais, atraídos pela luz e pelo barulho, tal como nos filmes. Enquanto continuamos a consumir a natureza que está ali do outro lado da janela como se achássemos que temos esse direito acabando por nos esquecer que não somos a única espécie neste planeta. E que apesar da tão sobrevalorizada inteligência nada nos dá o direito de privar outras formas de vida ao que elas têm direito. A verdade é que não precisamos de aliens nem monstros nem mutantes para nos eliminar nós fazemos isso muito melhor que eles porque optamos pela morte lenta, a nossa e de tudo à nossa volta. É bastante triste quando pensamos nisso.

"O vil corruptível metal" como Camões lhe gostava de chamar, eu chamo-lhe estupidez. Mas mais uma vez de nada serve o que penso o que chamo. Vivemos tão desligados do equilíbrio que a vida tem de ter e devo realçar o TEM porque tem de existir um equilíbrio entre o espiritual e o físico e o que me faz extrema confusão é que no meio de tanto anti-metafisicismo se encaixa o metafisico, se encaixa Deus. É como que uma caixa metafisica que criamos onde colocamos lá tudo o que é invenção nossa, carros, casas, dinheiro e rezamos para que essa caixa tenha um furo e que por esse furo nos caia algo no colo que por sua vez é inventado pela humanidade. Quem alguma vez chegou ao pé de nós e nos definiu o que é o justo ou o injusto o que é o bom e o mau tudo o que nos rodeia é definição nossa e com tantas probabilidades do que poderíamos ter sido e definido coincidente-mente este Deus é detentor de tudo o que criamos, que tal como nós gosta de ser adorado, se não for amua e espeta connosco no inferno para toda a eternidade. A sério? Vamos mesmo nisto? Se recuarmos no tempo através da linguagem (que também foi invenção nossa) podemos ver a origem de tudo a grande e derradeira Génese da realidade que temos hoje em dia todos os minúsculos factores que nos empurraram para o que somos confiem em mim vão ficar abismados. Não sei como era suposto a humanidade funcionar mas uma coisa é certa não respeitamos o que inventamos e o que tomamos como ordem social. Isso de onde eu venho chama-se hipocrisia... fica ao critério do leitor. Que puta de vida não é?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sselesu yllatot ma I

Here i am. Nothing has changed. Still the same coward, used to the same routine for about 2 years now and with no will strong enough to change it.
Haven't seen the light of day for 4 days straight now.
Haven't eaten anything decent besides a 10 minute meal somewhat tasty enough for me to keep going yesterday.
The milk has gone sour (nice one... T-T ) and besides a quick fix in the form of a bowl of cereal 3 days ago (with the aforementioned milk) i have fed myself with half a pack of digestive cookies and water. other than that, just usually starving myself.

I have not spoken anything decent either. whatever words came out of my mouth, besides a simple hello, were simply pathetic, a fact i immediately regretted after a conversation with the one girl that put a goofy smile on my face last week (which with my looks isn't anything but scary) that just wouldn't go away.
It was pretty much like this:

The Nympho: "Hi. Wow! You must really be dead tired!
Me: "Well, i really needed to use the bathroom..."

Wow!!! I mean, REALLY?!?!?!

It pains me to remember the conversation. I have a feeling it will not be my last, unfortunately.
I have not spoke (written is more accurate) with my friends in about a week. It is not fun being completely isolated, unintentionaly or otherwise.
My family is unaware of my situation and it has been more and more difficult to isolate myself from them and from that house where everything is just messed up, whether the things in it or the people living in there.
The only thing i have is my bycicle and even that is not a good one. I am constantly afraid of its wheels just popping out as i am speeding (or braking) my way down a hill. Yes, it has happened before, it was not nice. I even had to pick up my fucked up bike and climb the whole hill alone to go home and discover i had to live with scars on several parts of my body. Woe is me, woe is me... - fuck that
I fail at everything i have tried out in all my years and not for lack of commitment of effort. Guitars, skateboarding, writing, running, having friends (or keeping them, for that matter) and i have already wondered (too many times for it to be just another harmless question in my mind) if i was just born as a natural fuck up in every possible way or if it's something or someone somehow that is making me be one.
I am, however, very VERY good at thinking about the most varied things and themes but i fail to write them down - i found that it takes away too much of my time and that is just the one thing i hate the most. Besides my memory is not much to begin with. Yes i do realize the irony present in more ways than one but, for now, please do shut up - i already feel too much like shit without you pointing me that indeed shit is what i am.

Tomorrow i shall be back home, and it shall feel even worse. I imagine my ground will be hard to stand.
Lies and lies await me, over and over again.

ps: please feed the 6 fishies 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Então hoje dei por mim a pensar em caixas, embalagens, plásticos, coisas. Será que é daí que aparece tudo o que temos? Esta geração milenar(rasca chamem-lhe o que quiserem) tem muito que se lhe diga... Sentem-se bem consigo mesmos apenas porque sim sem ter qualquer motivo ou razão para isso apenas baseando o ego no material justifica toda essa ostentação. Calças que compram a 100 euros que custaram 2 euros a fazer do outro lado do globo por pessoas que certamente que se fossemos por a ideia de bem estar conforme os padrões de alcances na vida essas pessoas teriam todos os motivos para sentirem essa segurança e crença em si mesmos. Mas infelizmente a vida não é tão estruturada a esse ponto e existem sempre essas falhas baptizadas de xungas, azeiteiros, grunhos (estejam à vontade e mais uma vez chamem-lhe o que quiserem). Pessoas que tudo o que lhes chega ao prato vem directamente da prateleira do supermercado porque é lá que aparece, pessoas que acreditam que as pessoas vêm em caixas e que as marcas atribuem um estatuto social e que quem as possui tem o poder de olhar com desdém para quem não as possui. Pois eu acho que quem não as possui não sente esse complexo de inferioridade que necessitam de umas calças de 100 ou 150 euros para preencher os vazios que existem nessas pobres mentes, afinal de contas NÃO ESTAMOS EM CRISE? Qual crise qual quê, viver das aparências é que é bom "...ai Portugal, Portugal do que é estás à espera...".

Friday, December 31, 2010

My turn at so called "poetry"

Thank you Drez for the loving words - as always, it seems
 Now an announcement for the whole world:
She has a slight crush on me.

 Now behold (craving for some more useless gossip, i bet)  as i completely ignore that fact and leave you with a creation of mine:

"Your skin glows like the watermelon, blossoms quirky as the daisy in the purest hope of spring.
My heart follows your Guitar voice and leaps like a Dog at the whisper of your name.
The evening floats in on a great Eagle wing.
I am comforted by your pants that I carry into the twilight of Lizbeams and hold next to my Calf.
I am filled with hope that I may dry your tears of juice.
As my Neck falls from my Sneakers, it reminds me of your Louise.
In the quiet, I listen for the last Squeak of the day.
My heated Leg leaps to my Jacket. I wait in the moonlight for your secret morning so that we may read as one, Leg to Leg, in search of the magnificent white and mystical speaker of love."

Well, i kinda wrote it so... yeah

Try your luck and hopefully it will come out with a little bit more pzazz than mine

Love Poem Generator 

Christpoher Brennan

So I was roaming the internet doing things that you have nothing to know about when the Mighty Creator - that bastard - sent me this... thing, i guess?:

Apparently it's named  Because She Would Ask Me Why I Loved Her.
Pretty lame, i know. Blaim it on the guy who wrote it.

"If questioning would make us wise
No eyes would ever gaze in eyes;
If all our tale were told in speech
No mouths would wander each to each.
Were spirits free from mortal mesh
And love not bound in hearts of flesh
No aching breasts would yearn to meet
And find their ecstasy complete.

For who is there that lives and knows
The secret powers by which he grows?
Were knowledge all, what were our need
To thrill and faint and sweetly bleed?
Then seek not, sweet, the 'If' and 'Why'
I love you now until I die.
For I must love because I live
And life in me is what you give."

I'll leave you with an image just because it made me remember some unpleasant things

So people still write good shit as this one.
Who would've known?

ps: he is still a bastard.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Girl with the Red Coat

I was waiting for the bus a while ago, bagagge in my hands, looking for a place to sit. The terminal was completly crowded:

My uncle said to me: "Theres one!"
My gaze turns in his direction and then i saw her.
A beautiful girl with a face that seemed to sparkle. Glitery eyes, simple face - nothing much. Still her gaze captivated me and left me unable to think.
My uncle asked her if the seat next to her was taken, to which she replied with a simple "No" - just my luck. If it was good or bad i had no clue.
I sat next to her, clumsily putting my things down, cursing myself.
Didn't dare to glance at her again. Only the red blur of her jacket appeared on the right corner of my eye. She was wearing it! Just there!! - I wanted to scream.
It was not long before that blasted bus arrived to take me home
I got up, glanced at her, she at me (it hit then that I always look like shit), and there it was... that smiley face and those glittery eyes that seemed amused somehow.
There she stood, that smiley girl with the red coat

I'll never see her again

Thats the end, with a cookie and a few bugs in between, of my life love story.

The rain keeps me from seeing the city from the bridge.
Soon my memories will be the same. I can only regret it

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Total darkness. It is what i long for
I no longer ride the bus.
There i could at least enjoy being in the shadows and look through the glass windows, trying to ignore my reflected image, and i would find in the long distance that darkness that i so long for.

The subway, also, failing my wishes. Even though it circulates most of the times underground the strong lights turned the gigantic windows into almost flawless mirrors, covering up the darkness with the reflections of every other people - ugly people, smelly people, junkies, old people, students, jocks, whatever - many of them invading my personal space. Then again, it is a crammed place and personal space is a luxury in such cases, a nonexistent one anyway.

No such things in trains.
This floor i sit on is dirty as something i hardly get to see - doesn't matter. Its December and its cold as hell, even more accentuated by the fact that the train moves about 90-100 km/h - meaningless fact. Im riding in the cargo area with doors on both sides open - not important. Im wearing all-stars, skimpy jeans, t-shirt and a hippie-like long sleeved shirt - ok, it's a bit chilly...


I fucking love it!
Im alone. In the cargo area, freezing myself to death in the night air, yes. Alone nonetheless.
No glass windows in such a place. Just doors. The lights are strong and that is still what annoys me. But i get to feel the sweet air in my body and stare at the outside darkness. Not total darkness because these pesky humans are everywhere but it is still sometimes there.
With poor headphones and nice music i'm in heaven.

Twenty minutes away from my stop, the cold air, a 30 minute walk through the city to my bedroom, unmade bed, gross housemates and a sleepless night I am alone. Covered in light but staring at not so dark darkness.
Darkness nonetheless...

M no longer, the bastard made me change my thingy

That asshole was bugging me non-stop to change my webname (im ignorant, fuck you too!) because apparently M is tiny as fuck and "not noticeable enough" so im changing it to Drez.
Why the hell someone believes "AC" is long enough is a mystery...

By now you must have somehow figured out that i am a rather gloomy bastard* so i still have to meet some expectations to myself and my lovely fans worldwide, even if just a name (because thats all i've got, really), lame/emo/morbid/"hip" enough to be capable of rolling the eyes of every bitchy socialite (and all variations of such status) out there, so for now, Drez it is.
It is totally open to sugestions - all you bastards will help me with it, im sure

Hopefully 4 letters are better than one and if it ends up not being i can only say to The Great Lonesome Creator and Capacitor of All Thoughts to GO FUCK HIMSELF!!!

*(if you have not, shocking as it may appear to my lovely fans - since i only had written 1 post introducing myself with rather bland words dunno how many months ago... but i digress - i assure you that it will show in the next posts)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I've been missing - pay no heed

In the night I look at the sky and i find
no beauty in the stars.
Eventually what I focus my sight on
are not the stars
but the darkness by their side

Maybe consequence of
still Love not yet found,
maybe such strange thing
is not bound to me.
Looking only at the ground
it's impossible to see.

Still I long for Love
as I long for death,
due to its absence.
Either way my end is set
with many events yet to regret

If one should love find
and it no longer holds its breath
then take the gun on your side
and join her in death

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Alguém me consegue explicar do que se trata o processo de socializar, no que consiste porque se insiste tanto nele. Não sei não faço a mínima ideia. Pelo que já pude assistir até agora vejo pessoas, pessoas e pessoas todas a tentar seguir um rumo diferente, todas a tentarem ser diferentes de toda-gente. Com redes sociais a pedinchar por atenção. Do tipo "e deixo aqui este comentário, por favor vem ver o meu perfil e deixa também um, ouve as musicas que eu escolhi, as minhas musicas preferidas vê as fotos de coisas que eu fiz já programadas e encenadas de propósito a ser documentadas para ficar no meu perfil para outras pessoas verem mas para isso terei de o mencionar". Onde está a diferença pergunto eu, uns dizem "não falo mal de ninguém para não ser igual" mas acabam sempre por o fazer, onde está a diferença quando andam todos pelos centros comerciais "com os seus sapatos com solas feitas na china". Sociedade que se deixa embriagar por dopaminas artificiais perde a noção do correcto, do único, DO SER, DO EXISTIR. E resume-se única e exclusivamente à interacção. Eu não existi sempre (e ainda bem) por isso não sei se as relações sociais e humanas sempre foram assim. Mas não consigo perceber é algo que me ultrapassa. Será que no interior todos acabamos por achar que seremos todos diferentes. Ou no final de contas não seremos todos apenas uma enorme massificação estandardizada de acordo com quem nos diz o que usar, como estar o que fazer do que gostar.

Seja como for...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hello World

Hello World, i'm Vladispert i'll be wiritting in this blog from now on so stick around.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A long time has passed

It has been a long time since the last post and several things have happened.
Nothing good came out in these months and I have the feeling that nothing good will come in the future.
It's ok, doesnt really matter.
I lost a even greater deal of my memories but I'm still me. Life goes on.

Honestly i just dont give a fuck about anything anymore so I'll continue to write only to my hearts content.
Shit happens and i need a way to vent out things so, i'll keep writing, hoping to avoid repercussions of not doing anything at all.
If it sounds like a diary... to hell with it! It will be something along those lines.
So suit yourself out, read all you want, think whatever you might.
As long as i remain unknown I really dont give a shit

It's now 6:34 am and, after a slespless night like so many others since a few years ago, i find myself writing in the dark, afraid to go foward.

It's been 6 weeks since the start of college and i still havent showed up for classes, after a first morning full of excitement, unknown places, unknown people, not caring and an irrational aversion to it all.
If i keep this up it will be like in the other place where everything felt wrong. That time i may have had an excuse since my life was hell and i felt like i was just doing it to end up in a dead end tiresome job and be miserable for the rest of my life. Now, in a different area and place i find myself just not knowing how to react to it all.
All of it constantly reminding me of all these time periods that i hardly speak and when i do either i find myself speaking very short phrases in an inaudible manner or not being abble to speak at all.

In an hour or so gonna take a shower, see how i feel after it.
If im ok, after being awake for 24 hours i shall gather all my courage to face unknown beasts and finally get a chance to redeem myself or fall flat on my ass to call myself human trash.
Last years remorse was hell.
This year is starting to feel like it.
I will not be able to go trough it again.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nobsil - The Great (a bus)

so, here i am, on the bus ride to the big city

i actually lost the bus, had to go to a nearby town and buy another ticket to another bus
my dad and my sis actually waited with me for it to come (which was a hour and 20 minutes later)

i actually didnt have a bad day
it was kind of sunny, played a lot with my dog, saw a movie, went a little bit to the pc, , organized some random files and when the time came i just threw some stuff into my bag, picked up my pc and i was ready to go
the reason i missed the bus was my mom who forgot that i actually needed to be in another place 300 kms away by today, so... yeah.

it's the first time i ride the bus with so few people in it, so it's actually a big plus for me, since i can be at ease (im kind of anti-social)

i wanted to write something but i dont have my notebook with me and no pencil

still i have the pc (which im much faster at writing than by hand - that and my handwriting sucks pretty bad...), but still i feel it's kinda sad, to depend on such advanced tech to just record my useless thoughts.

i haven't eaten anything, so i was kind of happy only to feel sad after when some people came in and the air just filled up with the soft lingering scent of an hamburger and fries
And at that moment i realised that, no matter how much i usually hate hamburgers (i'm too picky with hamburgers. I do like fries, but i only eat them about 1 or 2 times a week - which i do believe is cool because if u eat too much of a good thing then there will come a time that, other than becoming fat, you will no longer notice the feeling of said thing - which does apply to everything in nature (but not the being fat part)) I would be more than happy to ignore the "NO FOOD ALLOWED" stickers and throw myself at what was once a living thing ("I'm soo sorry for eating you!!").

Still, this is all hypothetical and i can only regret and be pissed at those evildoers that are happilly eating just a few seats behind my current location.

the human mind is a sad thing...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday to me is...

i really dont want sunday to come.
i really dont want to go to sleep.


because when do wake up i'll be depressed as hell, the lack of sleep not helping at all, wandering around the house, picking my stuff together with a frown on my face,
having lunch with that crazy gandma who NEVER SHUTS UP (NEVAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa...!!! - "YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE WITH MEEE!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAhaha!!!!)
get on the bus thats filled with annoying old ladies and college students who talk way to loud abouth useless things?
not to mention when someone farts on the bus and the already hot smelly air just gets so unbearable that i cant help but feel like puking my guts out...

just wasting 3 and a half hours just to get to that place that looks like a crummy film set from the 80's and spend the rest of the day closed up in my bedroom?
it's not really my bedroom, more like a storage room and guess what: it really hasnt been touched or remodeled since the 80's!!!

(hell on earth, anyone? T-T )

and i live there!!!
and i've got no life!!!
and i cant play my fucking guitar or put on music of any kind!!!!!
(and my mp3 player just died, that stupid thingy!!!!)

I dont even fit on that bed thingy because it's lenght is shorter than my height!!!!!
and i'm not even tall!!!!!!!

i mean, its fucking sunday!!!!!!!
why waste it away?!?!?!?!?!
i'll just be a wandering body roaming trough the streets on monday, no energy at all to even comprehend elaborate speech from professors and fellow colleagues...

ah! the joy of dragging myself to the coffee machine to get myself a big one (grin on face)
sweet college life!

i feel like i can no longer avoid sleep now
composing this text just took away my last bit of energy...

...crap ...

(and there are no cookies in hell, dont believe their lies!!!)

so long, preccious time...


ps:a record post in expression marks, i believe

Friday, March 12, 2010

Bus ride back home

its now 18:31
i just saw a beautiful sight
the giant red setting sun in the middle of the light grayish blue
im now in the middle of the countryside, the plains on alentejo covered with the ups and downs of small hills
the faded golden clouds in the almost clear sky and the mountains on the horizon provide this amazing view, complete with lakes and small roads

the sun is starting to disappear behind the mountains, hidden behind the occasional small hill facing the road, bus, and thus me
the hazy blue is starting to take over
the small lakes reflecting the sky and its color

i no longer see the sun

next time at 18:30 i'll bring a camera for you all to see
till then, time will pass, a week, months, maybe more
who knows?

not you, you are obsolette
not i, with this mind of mine

remains to be seen
in the due flow of time...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I HATE my mp3 player.

why would they make a product that is clearly screwed up?

8 gigs, mp4, mp3, jpeg and other image and text formats

it wasnt cheap, so its purchase gave me some consequences in my monthly money. i had to save up, as i always did since the begining of times.
i was ok with that.

The thing i wasn't prepared, though, was me putting nearly 10 thousand songs in it, a bunch of pictures as well, some vids and a sd card with some stuff and tha thing not being able to read the data.

200 out of 10000 songs are the only thing it plays (got sick f them all some time ago); doesnt show any images at all, videos are the same thing if not worse and the max volume the damned thing is capable is pretty damned low.

kslim thingy

seriously, dont buy it

not really a review or advertising,
that thing just pisses me off so much...

12-03-2010 EDIT:

ok, it's official, the thing just died

sick of things dying...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Newcomer - M

Hey, im M

made the previous M change his id, so im another M

gonna start posting here, bout something, dont expect much

i was asked to join so, here i am.

dont really like the person but still, its not i hate him or whatever, i just stand hanging out with her so thats gotta count for something.

anyway... yeah...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

smthin', i dunno...

So, the last post was over a month ago and something about techno music?
why ?_?

I stopped writing mainly because I just didnt have the time and it seemed to me that writing in a ghost blog writing about things a little depressing was an ENOURMOUS WASTE of time (i have a problem about time - cant bother to spend it, even though i spend it anyway doing useless things).

But that wasnt what i had wished for when i started this thing.

What i had wished for was to have some place where i could write about the most varied things anytime wherever i feel like it without taking too much of my time for you all to see.

I would like to have some kind of counter or comment to just know people do read this blog so i wouldn't feel like im writing all this stuff for nothing... ...but then again, im pretty much useless about tech stuff so no counter :(

Anyway, its not like i'll give up, i really do want to keep going in hope of better days.
With that in mind i decided to ask some friends to write in here whatever they like - i really dont have any idea of what they will write so that remains to be seen...

Friday, January 22, 2010

why the hell am i listening to techno music?!?

i feel like a real college student now, surrounded by books, studying my ass off for an exam tomorrow (today, since its 5.07 am) which i already know i'll fail
i dont really know how to study

im a mess, both in my studies and as a person

nothing lasts much with me
conformismo até mais n

not a good thing
but i really dont know what other path i should take

hell, i dont even know how to do my own laundry

u can only act like a brat to a certain point right?

college my ass

i should have gone to a remote country in the first place

"Basic Survival 101" - crash course

the though reality of the world right in my face

i really wish i went, i really believe it would turn me into a better person
and improve some of my habits which only have sicken me till this point

shit, gotta study - what for?

if i really do wake up after sleeping i'll be lucky as hell

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Night sky

went to the backyard for a while
saw the full bright moon lighting up the sky, above the only strip of clouds in the night sky - a dark painting, like the ones i used to stay awake on those cold nights just to look, look at the sky, look at the stars, sometimes even eating instant curry noodles with hashi or playing guitar and my dogs around me, keeping me warm...

those days are gone now...
fuck, even 2 of my dogs are gone...
went riding my bicycle from dawn to 3 a.m. looking everywhere
for several days straight
only to be dead tired and depressed for dont know how long after it
and fail my exams or not even going to them
even now when i hear a dog barking my heart skips a beat

only got one left
black haired with the most perfect hazel eyes i have ever seen

i really do believe i am not capable of loving a person
really dont care if im gay or straight
even now i dont have the means to really confirm any of the two
i had nothing of much value in my life
and now i have even less
no one to be there, no one to care about,
no one to share

No one to Love

I'm not joking when i write that the only reason i haven't killed myself already is because of curiosity of knowing what exactly does it feel to love someone

my dogs were the ones i loved,
who kept me warm and happy
nights like these only bring sadness to my mind
that only starts to fade away because my attention turns to something stupid
"why is it stupid?" - it always is...

i forgot what i ment to say with this post
i wonder even i had a point to begin with

fuck! i dont know... i really do think too much...

ps: if you are curious why i did that sometimes its because my house sits atop of an old castle wall and my view is one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen
i posted a photo of the view from my backyard in some other post - look it up and you'll understand why

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas + Bad Weather = Best of Friends

3.09 am
rain is pouring down on this city
it has already reached a limit
the fire alarm is sounding, waking everyone who could sleep with the noise
lightnings and heavy rain provided the lightshow and the soundtrack
my dog is whining down in the kitchen
i really cant see any fire, and even if there was one this bloody rain would surely put it out in a minute
total darkness is what i feel now
im liking the whole picture
has the day of reckoning come before us?
it would be fun if it was
goodbye sweet life
it was boresome living you

no electricity to take us to the present
heavy winds sing while we are out and take eveything away
rain washing whats left of these muddy streets
well, goodbye for now

something just flew away
my bedroom window just shakes a lot
no light still comes through
i just dont know what to say...

maybe tomorrow will come
maybe i will be posting this
maybe a giant meteor will kill us all

theres no sorrow in death
if it is death for all

we would all vanish,
no memories, no sadness, no happiness
no love
it would be as simple as that

we would cease to exist
we would live no more

not a poet, not a emo,
not a punk or goth,
not some wannabe
trying to be someone i'm not.
for whatever reason may be
also not hoping for this world to roth

im just that fucked up
simple, right?

gonna take my mind of things for now
but i will pray for salvation
not for my sake but for yours
i am free to die
dont really care what you do
still, i would not linger any longer in this place
if i were you...

what a waste of my time
the storm still lasts but
i am now out of wine............


ignore me completly as i go downstairs for a refill and go to sleep to avoid all this being christmas and a time to be happy mumbo jumbo

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I just felt everything shake :D

Sooo cool!!!

Bounced up and down on the top of my bed for a few seconds...

Really hope the building doesn't break apart - not that i really would mind if it did, i just wouldn't like it very much.

Here's to dreams of guitars and earthquakes... 

                                                           ...isn't life grand? 

 \(´*II*)/                                                                                      \(´*II*)/

Waking up, turning the alarm of, off to bed again to sleep...

So things are a little screwed up, skipped class, my family arrived now, so i pretty much missed the opportunity to miss them and act like i went to school 

Haven't cleaned my room either, so things are a complete mess; adding my lack of decency and "fuck you, i don't care!" attitude, i really don't know where this is going to end...

Its noon now, I'm writing this to look busy - such a deceitful bastard, aren't I?

Because i woke up late and its nearly Christmas, i think I'm gonna go downtown, see new things - haven't went there since I'm here in this fucking city

"I heard the sewers are nice" its just about everything i have to say in her defense.

Monday, December 7, 2009

A night like all other

dunno what to do, dunno what to think, dunno how to breathe, dunno how to blink...
i just lie here, time passing by, wishing to be alone while looking at the sky
but the sky is clouded, no beauty at all
a reflection of life in all its glory
like being against a 20 feet tall wall
the wall is guarded, robots rule the earth now

did you know that?

we are all going to die somehow...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Nº 1 Post

It's 2:06 a.m. and, just because I'm bored and have nothing better to do (sleeping doesn't count) i decided to start a blog.

I believe most stuff that we'll be posting here will be in english but if, for some weird reason, a language you don't know appears in this blog... well, it just means we are too lazy to write in actual english.

So here goes nothing...

           ...hoping to become something...