Friday, March 12, 2010

Bus ride back home

its now 18:31
i just saw a beautiful sight
the giant red setting sun in the middle of the light grayish blue
im now in the middle of the countryside, the plains on alentejo covered with the ups and downs of small hills
the faded golden clouds in the almost clear sky and the mountains on the horizon provide this amazing view, complete with lakes and small roads

the sun is starting to disappear behind the mountains, hidden behind the occasional small hill facing the road, bus, and thus me
the hazy blue is starting to take over
the small lakes reflecting the sky and its color

i no longer see the sun

next time at 18:30 i'll bring a camera for you all to see
till then, time will pass, a week, months, maybe more
who knows?

not you, you are obsolette
not i, with this mind of mine

remains to be seen
in the due flow of time...

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