Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday to me is...

i really dont want sunday to come.
i really dont want to go to sleep.


because when do wake up i'll be depressed as hell, the lack of sleep not helping at all, wandering around the house, picking my stuff together with a frown on my face,
having lunch with that crazy gandma who NEVER SHUTS UP (NEVAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa...!!! - "YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE WITH MEEE!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAhaha!!!!)
get on the bus thats filled with annoying old ladies and college students who talk way to loud abouth useless things?
not to mention when someone farts on the bus and the already hot smelly air just gets so unbearable that i cant help but feel like puking my guts out...

just wasting 3 and a half hours just to get to that place that looks like a crummy film set from the 80's and spend the rest of the day closed up in my bedroom?
it's not really my bedroom, more like a storage room and guess what: it really hasnt been touched or remodeled since the 80's!!!

(hell on earth, anyone? T-T )

and i live there!!!
and i've got no life!!!
and i cant play my fucking guitar or put on music of any kind!!!!!
(and my mp3 player just died, that stupid thingy!!!!)

I dont even fit on that bed thingy because it's lenght is shorter than my height!!!!!
and i'm not even tall!!!!!!!

i mean, its fucking sunday!!!!!!!
why waste it away?!?!?!?!?!
i'll just be a wandering body roaming trough the streets on monday, no energy at all to even comprehend elaborate speech from professors and fellow colleagues...

ah! the joy of dragging myself to the coffee machine to get myself a big one (grin on face)
sweet college life!

i feel like i can no longer avoid sleep now
composing this text just took away my last bit of energy...

...crap ...

(and there are no cookies in hell, dont believe their lies!!!)

so long, preccious time...


ps:a record post in expression marks, i believe

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