Friday, December 31, 2010

My turn at so called "poetry"

Thank you Drez for the loving words - as always, it seems
 Now an announcement for the whole world:
She has a slight crush on me.

 Now behold (craving for some more useless gossip, i bet)  as i completely ignore that fact and leave you with a creation of mine:

"Your skin glows like the watermelon, blossoms quirky as the daisy in the purest hope of spring.
My heart follows your Guitar voice and leaps like a Dog at the whisper of your name.
The evening floats in on a great Eagle wing.
I am comforted by your pants that I carry into the twilight of Lizbeams and hold next to my Calf.
I am filled with hope that I may dry your tears of juice.
As my Neck falls from my Sneakers, it reminds me of your Louise.
In the quiet, I listen for the last Squeak of the day.
My heated Leg leaps to my Jacket. I wait in the moonlight for your secret morning so that we may read as one, Leg to Leg, in search of the magnificent white and mystical speaker of love."

Well, i kinda wrote it so... yeah

Try your luck and hopefully it will come out with a little bit more pzazz than mine

Love Poem Generator 

Christpoher Brennan

So I was roaming the internet doing things that you have nothing to know about when the Mighty Creator - that bastard - sent me this... thing, i guess?:

Apparently it's named  Because She Would Ask Me Why I Loved Her.
Pretty lame, i know. Blaim it on the guy who wrote it.

"If questioning would make us wise
No eyes would ever gaze in eyes;
If all our tale were told in speech
No mouths would wander each to each.
Were spirits free from mortal mesh
And love not bound in hearts of flesh
No aching breasts would yearn to meet
And find their ecstasy complete.

For who is there that lives and knows
The secret powers by which he grows?
Were knowledge all, what were our need
To thrill and faint and sweetly bleed?
Then seek not, sweet, the 'If' and 'Why'
I love you now until I die.
For I must love because I live
And life in me is what you give."

I'll leave you with an image just because it made me remember some unpleasant things

So people still write good shit as this one.
Who would've known?

ps: he is still a bastard.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Girl with the Red Coat

I was waiting for the bus a while ago, bagagge in my hands, looking for a place to sit. The terminal was completly crowded:

My uncle said to me: "Theres one!"
My gaze turns in his direction and then i saw her.
A beautiful girl with a face that seemed to sparkle. Glitery eyes, simple face - nothing much. Still her gaze captivated me and left me unable to think.
My uncle asked her if the seat next to her was taken, to which she replied with a simple "No" - just my luck. If it was good or bad i had no clue.
I sat next to her, clumsily putting my things down, cursing myself.
Didn't dare to glance at her again. Only the red blur of her jacket appeared on the right corner of my eye. She was wearing it! Just there!! - I wanted to scream.
It was not long before that blasted bus arrived to take me home
I got up, glanced at her, she at me (it hit then that I always look like shit), and there it was... that smiley face and those glittery eyes that seemed amused somehow.
There she stood, that smiley girl with the red coat

I'll never see her again

Thats the end, with a cookie and a few bugs in between, of my life love story.

The rain keeps me from seeing the city from the bridge.
Soon my memories will be the same. I can only regret it

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Total darkness. It is what i long for
I no longer ride the bus.
There i could at least enjoy being in the shadows and look through the glass windows, trying to ignore my reflected image, and i would find in the long distance that darkness that i so long for.

The subway, also, failing my wishes. Even though it circulates most of the times underground the strong lights turned the gigantic windows into almost flawless mirrors, covering up the darkness with the reflections of every other people - ugly people, smelly people, junkies, old people, students, jocks, whatever - many of them invading my personal space. Then again, it is a crammed place and personal space is a luxury in such cases, a nonexistent one anyway.

No such things in trains.
This floor i sit on is dirty as something i hardly get to see - doesn't matter. Its December and its cold as hell, even more accentuated by the fact that the train moves about 90-100 km/h - meaningless fact. Im riding in the cargo area with doors on both sides open - not important. Im wearing all-stars, skimpy jeans, t-shirt and a hippie-like long sleeved shirt - ok, it's a bit chilly...


I fucking love it!
Im alone. In the cargo area, freezing myself to death in the night air, yes. Alone nonetheless.
No glass windows in such a place. Just doors. The lights are strong and that is still what annoys me. But i get to feel the sweet air in my body and stare at the outside darkness. Not total darkness because these pesky humans are everywhere but it is still sometimes there.
With poor headphones and nice music i'm in heaven.

Twenty minutes away from my stop, the cold air, a 30 minute walk through the city to my bedroom, unmade bed, gross housemates and a sleepless night I am alone. Covered in light but staring at not so dark darkness.
Darkness nonetheless...

M no longer, the bastard made me change my thingy

That asshole was bugging me non-stop to change my webname (im ignorant, fuck you too!) because apparently M is tiny as fuck and "not noticeable enough" so im changing it to Drez.
Why the hell someone believes "AC" is long enough is a mystery...

By now you must have somehow figured out that i am a rather gloomy bastard* so i still have to meet some expectations to myself and my lovely fans worldwide, even if just a name (because thats all i've got, really), lame/emo/morbid/"hip" enough to be capable of rolling the eyes of every bitchy socialite (and all variations of such status) out there, so for now, Drez it is.
It is totally open to sugestions - all you bastards will help me with it, im sure

Hopefully 4 letters are better than one and if it ends up not being i can only say to The Great Lonesome Creator and Capacitor of All Thoughts to GO FUCK HIMSELF!!!

*(if you have not, shocking as it may appear to my lovely fans - since i only had written 1 post introducing myself with rather bland words dunno how many months ago... but i digress - i assure you that it will show in the next posts)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I've been missing - pay no heed

In the night I look at the sky and i find
no beauty in the stars.
Eventually what I focus my sight on
are not the stars
but the darkness by their side

Maybe consequence of
still Love not yet found,
maybe such strange thing
is not bound to me.
Looking only at the ground
it's impossible to see.

Still I long for Love
as I long for death,
due to its absence.
Either way my end is set
with many events yet to regret

If one should love find
and it no longer holds its breath
then take the gun on your side
and join her in death